Being Single: Am I a Comet? ☄️

How long does it take to settle into a new life after a major upheaval? When the life that you once had is completely shattered, how many of the pieces do you have to put back together before you feel like you have created a new picture? In my case, I feel like I haveContinue reading “Being Single: Am I a Comet? ☄️”

Zipcodes and Sexual Labels

We humans love to label stuff- and I get it! It’s really convenient to have categories for things- it keeps me from drinking Sprite and thinking it’s water (suuuch a shocking experience 💥😵). But when it comes to how humans label their sexuality (words like “gay”, “bisexual”, “lesbian”, “demisexual”, etc.), the value of these labelsContinue reading “Zipcodes and Sexual Labels”

Coming Out on Facebook

Well, I did it, last Monday I made an extremely lengthy post on Facebook (and Instagram) in which I came out to the world at large. It’s been several months since Anne and I ended our marriage and I have been feeling pretty stable in this new way of life for a couple of monthsContinue reading “Coming Out on Facebook”

Losing My V-Card or My Anus Is Not a Trap Door

Well, I crossed an important barrier in my developmental process as a gay man: I bottomed for the first time last. Two months ago, I wasn’t even sure if bottoming was going to be something that I was interested in doing. Historically, I have felt very insecure about anything involving the anus [For fear thatContinue reading “Losing My V-Card or My Anus Is Not a Trap Door”

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